
Tilma Roadmap

Tilma is always getting better. Take a peak at features we are working on right now.

Just so you know, we are always talking to our customers about their needs to help keep our roadmap as effective as possible. This means some future plans and priorities may change. But that also means you have a lot of say in the future! If you have ideas for Tilma, please reach out.

Sacramental Records

Log baptisms, first-communions, confirmations, weddings directly within Tilma’s Relationship Management System.

Household Management

People in Tilma will be linked to a family unit with a primary contact. Children and spouses can be added, or claimed later.

ACH / EFT Donations

Accept recurring donations through your donor's bank using ACH (US) or EFT (Canada). Records are automatically logged in the donations index on each donor's profile.

New Page Builder

New flexible and dynamic page builder allows you build highly personalized and custom pages. This opens up new communications and ministry possibilities through your website.

Collections - Content Type

Flexible new content type that allows you to configure and create flexible groupings of content to display through the new page builder. Examples include, ways to give, team members, FAQ's, blog posts, etc...


Configure custom group types such as ministries, small groups, or classes. Each group has access to their own closed-system instance of TIlma. They can manage their pages, people, events, forms, etc... without affecting the rest of your overall Tilma instance.

Event Attendance
Event Registration

Export a list of event attendees and track who attended using the ‘check-in’ function.

Automated Email Greetings

Set-up Tilma to send automated greetings to parishioners on the anniversary of significant events such as baptisms, confirmations, weddings or funerals.

Sitewide Search

Use the search button on the homepage to search the entire parish website.

Simplified User Interface
Admin Interface

Admins can opt to use a simplified and more user-friendly version of Tilma with basic settings. Advanced users can continue to use Tilma with all of the settings for customization and refinement.

Create from Templates
Email, Formbuilder, Events

Allow events, emails, and forms to be created from pre-made or custom templates.

See what's new! These are a few of the highlights from our most recent work. Check out the release notes for a few more details.

If you don't see any of these features in your Tilma instance please get it touch with our team and we can help you get them configured.
Event Calendar Subscriptions

Subscribe to an entire event calendar or add a specific event to your calendar.

New Giving Experience

S user experience built to care for people, encourage generosity, and streamline all forms of payments.

Improved Speed / Performance

Page load times significantly increased by increasing usage of page caching technology.

Contribution Records

Log offline payments (such as cash and checks) directly within Tilma to see a complete overview of giving trends.


Use Google Translate directly within Tilma to display content in multiple languages.


See your congregation’s giving trends and participation over time.

New People Interface

The new Relationship Management System will allow you to see all your parishioners’ information together all in one place with a new look and easier navigation.

Email Reporting
Mobile App
Gated Content
Journey Builder
Courses Tool
Attendance Tracking
Ministry Landscape Reports
New Email Builder
Salesforce Integration

Still have questions about Tilma?

Schedule a time to sit down with our team and get into a brief demo where we can cover all your questions.
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