
Frequently Asked Questions

Is my ministry too big / small for you?
How do I become a content partner and share my content with others on the Tilma Platform?
How do I get access to Tilma Content Library?
Where are you located?
Do you offer reporting?
How usable is Tilma's interface?
We don't want to beta test anything. Is Tilma proven?
Can I use Tilma to send text messages?
Can Tilma tools integrate with other tools?
Do I need to use all of the tools?


What is Tilma's policy on cancellation? Is it really risk-free?
Are there any usage limits on Tilma's features?
What kind of contract am I signing?
Are there penalities for leaving Tilma?
Will my fees go up the more I use Tilma?
How can Tilma save me money on other tools?


Still have questions about Tilma?

Contact us