
Where communications ideas meet the heart of ministry.

Accompaniment Built Into Technology
How does Tilma bring accompaniment into the platform?
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Jason Jensen
Moving Towards Spiritual Maturity
If decisions are getting harder to find clarity, it’s probably a sign that you are maturing in your relationship with God. 
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Jason Jensen
Living In Apostolic Mission: Conversation with Monsignor Shea at SEEK 2023
Jason sits down with one of the minds behind the book, From Christendom to Apostolic Mission.
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Colleen Little
Creating Values That Actually Change Culture
How do we shape our culture and get our team to live out our values?
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Jason Jensen
There’s A Difference Between “We Are Open” & “Made Just For You”
Often times in the Church, we can say, “we’re open to everybody” or “you’re welcome here”. But that doesn’t mean people feel like they belong.
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Jason Jensen
Running Ministry In A World Without Christendom
The world we grew up in is not the same as it once was. The primary reason? People have no religious association at all. What does that mean for the way we do ministry now?
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Jason Jensen
Six Lessons Steph Curry Can Teach The Church
When we break the mould of what has always been done.
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Colleen Little
Leadership Books to Give Your Leaders
How are you investing in your leaders this year? We've got six ideas.
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Colleen Little
Why the Name Tilma?
Ever wonder what the tilma has to do with parish technology?
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Colleen Little
Can I Delete Zoom From My Ministry Tools Yet?
Are we stuck with zoom forever? Learning the lesson between replacing in-person connection and supporting it.
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Colleen Little
Four Things To Regularly Be Saying To Your Donors
Your relationship with donors and giving parishioners requires give and take. Make sure you're communicating these important things to them regularly.
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Colleen Little
The Power of Custom Visuals in a Parish Website
Best practices around colour, photos, and layout to make your website homepage feel unique to your parish community.
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Getting Past the Paralysis of “Picking the Right Program”
There are thousands of ministry programs out there. How do we filter through and pick the right one for our parishioners?
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Colleen Little
Advent Resources for Parishes
Needing some guidance for your own heart this Advent? Resources for men, women, & families.
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Colleen Little
How To Make Newcomers Feel At Home During Christmas
Are you making the most of your Christmas Mass? Here are four ways to make it meaningful for newcomers.
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Colleen Little
The Simplest & Easiest Way to Grow Parish Giving
Financial resources are one of the most critical parts of great parish ministry. So how do we grow our parish giving? And most importantly, how do we create a culture where parishioners actually desire to give more? 
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Colleen Little
Five Ways To Make People Feel Valued Through Email
Writing an email is far more than just “writing an email” but an opportunity to speak face-to-face to your parishioners.
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