Colleen Little
May 29, 2024

Leadership Books to Give Your Leaders

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Colleen Little
May 29, 2024

Leadership Books to Give Your Leaders

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Whether you’re looking for something for yourself or for your team, it can be a good time to build and invest in your people right now. A great way to do this is to talk about ministry ideas together. Read a book together and spend time in smaller teams discussing how this impacts your work. What does it mean for your day to day tasks? For the people you serve? 

I asked our team about the most impactful books they've read around leadership, and specifically for Christian leaders. Check out our top six books that we recommend for you and your team this year.

Boundaries by Dr Henry Cloud 

Ministry is emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually exhausting. Help your ministry leaders understand where their responsibilities end and begin, especially relating to emotional and spiritual matters. This book is great to help avoid burnout when it comes to working in ministry.

Called to Christian Joy and Maturity by Gordy Demarais 

This really simple and in depth explanation of accompaniment that leads to Christian maturity and the role that community plays in formation and spiritual development.

Christendom to Apostolic Mission by UMary Press

This short book may be one of the most important books in ministry right now. It takes a look at how the Church has functioned in society and how our current modes of functioning are now demanding a return to the mode of proclaiming the gospel like they did in Jesus’ time. It shifts the mindset of ministry in a way that is critical to the movement of the gospel.

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

Yes, this is a book about business but behind the terms is a core idea about getting your team aligned behind your mission and vision. His approach gives key insights into how to inspire your people and remind them of why they get up every morning to do their job. 

The Emotionally Healthy Leader: How Transforming Your Inner Life Will Deeply Transform Your Church, Team, and the World by Peter Scazzaro

It’s so easy to get burnt out, emotionally drained, exhausted and ready to throw in the towel. This book helps leaders address their anxieties and struggles and help them create a sustainable interior life to sustain the call that God has put on their life. 

Dare to Lead by Brene Brown

For those who are stepping into leadership for the first time or those who might be feeling the pressure to perform, this book demonstrates what it really takes to lead well: the bravery to be vulnerable and empathetic. This book empowers leaders to show all their cards and discover the freedom and power that can come with it.

Want to learn more about what we're doing at Tilma and how we're supporting parish teams? Schedule a call with us here.