
Version 1.7.1

Platform Updates

  • Filter your events by individual, recurring, parent, or child.
  • Parent events automatically inherit the start and end date based on their child events. Start dates are now required for all non-parent events.
  • Events without an end time will automatically say “This event is over” 8 hours after the start time.
  • Two-Factor Authentication is now required for new admins by default.
  • The Two-Factor Authentication page indicates exactly what email or phone number the code was sent so you know where to look.
  • The Two-Factor Authentication page now has alternative methods for authentication such as email, phone number, or SMS text.
  • Users can choose an alternative phone number for Two-Factor Authentication in their Tilma account. A checkbox that says “cannot accept SMS” has been added if the phone number is landline.
  • The quality of the email banner image has been improved to accommodate images up to 1200px wide.
  • Announcements published without a date now use the date they were published on.
  • The Payment/Donation field can be used without the Multiple Choice field.
  • Parent events with multiple children will say “Next event date:” instead of “Date and Time”.
  • “Chinese” language in the Mass Finder has been replaced with “Mandarin” and “Cantonese”.
  • Bug fixes and stability improvements to events, content blocks, resources, and forms.

Parish Updates

  • Events in the past appear grey in the calendar view.
  • The accordion function can be used in the description of ministry pages.
  • Announcements published without a photo will use a generic icon on the Announcements page.
  • The heading on the “I’m New” page can now be customized directly on the page.
  • All parishes on Stripe have been migrated to Paydock.